How CBD Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Planning your health goals? There’s no time like the present. CBD fitness is at the forefront of the latest trends in the health community.
If you know a bit about cannabis plants in general, this should come as no surprise. After all, cannabis was once used as a medicinal plant to aid in all sorts of ailments.
This is perfect for those who are looking for that extra boost and want to try something different. You don’t have to worry about intoxicating side effects, overdose, or even legality issues. Read on for more on how CBD oil can help your fitness goals.
Is CBD Good for Working Out?
The health benefits of CBD span decades of research and clinical trials. Some point to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. This is what made cannabis and hemp an effective pain reliever used in ancient medicine practices.
Other studies suggested evidence that CBD has soothing and relaxing properties.

Many people use CBD products now as part of their supplement routine. It is used to potentially help a multitude of minor to long-term illnesses. These include chronic pains like migraines and rheumatoid arthritis, stress, and even sleeping problems.
Pain and inflammation are some of its most popular uses. This also made it popular among active people like athletes, runners, and weightlifters. It produces no weed high. This makes it the best choice for a boost in energy without affecting a person’s physical performance or mental focus.
It works by stimulating the body’s endocannabinoid system to be more receptive to good hormones like serotonin. Not only does hemp oil extract help boost your mood, but it also strengthens the immune system.
This is good if you plan on sticking to a good workout routine in the long run.
Does CBD Help Muscle Growth?
As mentioned before, CBD has powerful natural anti-inflammatory properties. It works when ingested and when applied topically via creams, oil, or salve. In fact, many who suffer from inflammatory diseases like Chron’s and arthritis use CBD together with their other treatments.
But how does this all fit in your CBD fitness journey? After a strenuous workout, strained and sore muscles can become a hindrance to rebuilding muscle.
While there has been no evidence that CBD does help with muscle growth, it does help reduce inflammation that hinders the growth. Think of it this way: CBD doesn’t target muscle building, it targets the obstacle that prevents it.
Body aches after a workout signal that the muscles are working well. It is actually a good thing, though a bit bothersome. However, if it persists and becomes chronic, it can develop more serious diseases in the bones and joints.
Starting a CBD fitness routine could help prevent this as well. As part of its many health benefits for the ECS, the cannabinoid also helps regulate metabolism and appetite.
CBD as Pain Reliever
Cannabinoids may treat a variety of pain stemming from different causes. History can attest to this as cannabis has been used as an anesthetic dating back to ancient times. As recently as the 19th century when it was still legal, medical experts prescribed cannabis left and right.

When it was discovered that it can be used recreationally, the plant was eventually banned in the country and in many parts of the world. After much debate, scientists were able to single out THC as the source of the intoxication.
Once isolated and removed, cannabis could be used like any other herbal plant. Changes in laws were made shortly after that.
Now, industrial hemp and all of its byproducts, including CBD are federally legal in the US. It has been used mainly as a pain reliever. It comes in the form of pills, tinctures, topicals, gummies, and even pet treats. Many states now allow its sale in local groceries and pharmaceuticals.
But how do its pain-relieving properties benefit CBD fitness? A study suggests that CBD has a working relationship with anandamide, a compound associated with pain regulation.
CBD helps that body absorb anandamide faster, making it effective in pain relief. While some take hemp oil for this reason, others also just enjoy its relaxing properties and other health benefits.
Faster Workout Recovery
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) can be felt some 24 to 46 hours after an intense workout. Joints can feel shaky and sore, muscles can feel strained and sometimes painful when any weight is put on it. CBD could help relieve this and then some.
Apart from soothing tired and aching body parts, CBD may also reduce stress and increase energy. When cortisol, the stress hormone, is at high levels, it can greatly affect your physical performance.
Hemp oil could potentially help you relax more, toning down stress levels significantly. It could also soothe frayed nerves caused by anxiety, making focus attainable.
CBD also helps boost overall mood and energy levels. Feeling slugging is not a good sign especially if you’re supposed to be training hard. But rest is still a vital part of CBD fitness.
Good thing that CBD only boosts energy the natural way. It does not shock the system to go into an adrenaline high like caffeine or other substances. It instead promotes good rest so you can be energized and get back out there stronger and faster.
How to Use CBD for Fitness
The bottom line on CBD fitness is that it’s not a fading trend. With the cannabis industry growing by the year and the laws surrounding it changing, the potential for CBD is practically endless.

More funding and research partnered with clinical trials can result in viable treatments. In the long run, it could help cure a long list of diseases that have long plagued humanity.
For now though, many use CBD fitness in the forms of supplements. The most popular are ingestible pills and tinctures or via skin absorption using topicals. Oral CBD deposits the cannabinoid directly to your bloodstream.
Topical creams work just as well because the skin can absorb products well, especially if the salves and creams are thin in consistency.
Now, athletes and casual physical fitness enthusiasts are starting to learn about the wonders of cannabidiol (CBD). This active chemical compound is mostly derived from hemp.
While THC can still be found in the raw plant material, it is in relatively low doses. Low THC means little to no chance of psychoactive effects.
However, the Food and Drug Administration still warns people against using CBD. The supplements are unregulated and thus not approved for medical or therapeutic use. Any and all hemp products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Moreover, low-quality CBD products may result in no effects or adverse side effects.
Nonetheless, many accounts of long-time CBD fitness enthusiasts are hard to overlook. With its natural pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, CBD is an organic and safe post-workout aid.
Is CBD Legal? Hemp-derived CBD products (with less than 0.3 percent THC) are legal on the federal level. Moreover, these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and products that have not been FDA approved. Likewise, you must be at least 21 years old to purchase these products. Talk to your physician or medical doctor for additional information.